Tag Archives | content goals

Basics of a Content Marketing Funnel. 30-Day Content Marketing Challenge Day 26!

Basics of a Content Marketing Funnel. 30-Day Content Marketing Challenge Day 26!

Savvy content marketers know that their audience goes through a process called the buying cycle when they’re thinking about buying anything. And the buying cycle is part of the content marketing funnel. The best way to create an effective content marketing funnel is to create targeted, effective content for each stage of the buying cycle. […]

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Crafting Content That Sells Your Products. 30-Day Content Marketing Challenge Day 18!

Crafting Content That Sells Your Products. 30-Day Content Marketing Challenge Day 18!

Almost every piece of content you create should sell. Your content doesn’t all have to look like a sales page, but there’s no reason why you can’t sell on every piece of content that you publish, whether it’s print, video, audio or images. First of all, it’s important to understand that it’s okay to sell. […]

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