Using PLR For Quick and Easy Content Creation. 30-Day Content Marketing Challenge Day 16!

Using PLR For Quick And Easy Content Creation. 30 Day Content Marketing Challenge Day 16 - PLR for content creation.Using PLR for content creation can help you get things done far quicker than you would by writing all of your own content.

If you’re not familiar with PLR, it’s simply prewritten content that you can buy and use as your own. You might also know it as ready to use content or done for you content.

When buying PLR, look for high quality content from a company with a good reputation, and check the license to make sure you can use it as you need to.

Don’t buy PLR for the sake of it, and have a plan for how you’re going to use it before you buy to get the most out of it.

Let’s look at a few of the ways you can easily use PLR for content creation:

As Research

When you choose a legitimate PLR company to purchase from you can trust the information you get and use it as research for creating all types of content. An eBook can be the basis of your next webinar, for example.

Repurpose to a New Format

You can repurpose every piece of content you buy, depending upon the terms of service. You could recreate videos using your own voice, for example, or take a series of blog posts and turn them into a report or white paper.

Combine to Make Epic Content

Combine a lot of content about the same topic into epic content that will provide many ways to link internally to your content. Internal linking is a great way to improve your on-page SEO.

As a Lead Magnet

Some PLR is perfect to use as it is, as a lead magnet, freebie, or irresistible offer to help build your email list. Though it’s a good idea to fully rebrand the content and change the cover, images and graphics to suit your look.

As a Blog Post

Make the PLR content your own by swapping the order of the content, adding new images, changing titles and subheadings, and perhaps adding bulleted lists to change the look.

Develop an FAQ

Some PLR material will work really well as part of an FAQ, which is a great way to add epic, long-form content to your website.

Publish as an Email Series

When you publish content via your email, you don’t have to make a lot of changes. You can instead use it mostly as it is but just change it to fit your voice.

Create a Course

Use your PLR to create a variety of different courses. Plan out what you want to say and what you want your students to achieve. Then make sure the content flows smoothly as a course.

Drop your new course into software such as Teachable or Thinkific to deliver it, and you’re away! You can also create an email course using PLR.

With PLR, you can rebrand it to fit your company brand and change it to whatever you want. A PLR pack can easily become an eBook. a course, blog posts, webinars, videos, a podcast and more, to save you time and get content on your site a lot faster.

Action Point!

Try searching for Your Niche + PLR and take a good look at all the options out there for content you can use as your own. Do your research and make sure the companies you are buying from are reputable and offer high quality PLR.

Then it’s a case of looking through your current content and your future plans for your business to see where PLR can help you get there quicker.

How’s it going? Let me know how you’re doing in the comments!

Need more help with finishing off your content marketing plan? I’ve put together a packed 30-page Content Marketing and Promotion Planner to walk you through the whole process.

Content Marketing and Promotion PlannerYou’ll find more info on how to find your target market, surveying your audience, how to create your plan, different types of content, promotion, and everything you’ll need to put your plan together.

And the planner comes with a target market worksheet, content inventory checklist, your content marketing planner, tracking report, and more!

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All done for Day 16. Tomorrow, we’re sticking with content creation and talking about how your audience can help you.

Don’t want to wait? Prefer to get all of the 30-Day Content Marketing Challenge posts in one place, so you can work through at your own pace? Here’s a link to all of the challenge lessons:

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