You know what they say about planning: “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail”, and this is so true when it comes to content marketing.
No one would think of publishing a magazine, a book or newspaper without a marketing plan, and it’s just the same when it comes to your business.
You need a content marketing plan to direct your content creation efforts, meet your business goals and get the most ‘bang for your buck’.
What can creating a content marketing plan do for you? Read on below:
Create Cohesiveness
When you develop a content marketing plan, you’ll work out all the content you want to create based on the products and services that you want to promote, and around the audience that you have.
That doesn’t mean that every single thing you write will be promo, but it does mean that all the content you create will work together, share the same voice, and talk to the same audience.
It’s also easier to write a great call to action if you know why you are writing each piece of content.
Establish Your Brand Identity
When you plan the content you’ll create and share in advance, it helps with your branding because you can keep everything similar.
You can decide on the voice, fonts, images, colours and more ahead of time. When you know exactly what you want, it’s a lot easier to explain it to someone you’re outsourcing to because you’ve already planned it out.
Increase Productivity
When you create a content marketing plan you’ll know what you need to do each day to reach your goals because it’s in your calendar and schedule.
You will know exactly what content you’re working on creating today, what is being published today, and most importantly why you’re doing it.
That makes it a lot simpler to create the content you need for all parts of your business, and there’s no staring at the dreaded blank page, wondering what to write.
Improve Analytics
When you know why you’re publishing a piece of content, you’ll be able to check analytics to find out if it’s working the way you thought it would.
You’ll also be able to track what’s working and what’s not working so much better than if you’re just acting off the cuff.
Side note about analytics: You can use them to check which pieces of content are performing the best and getting the most reads and use your results to shape the topics and types of content you create in the future.
Doing that gives your audience more of what they want, and brings you more targeted traffic – win-win!
See this excellent article from Crystal Paine at Your Blogging Mentor for more:
Not a clue about Google Analytics? No worries. Here’s another article from the fabulous Moz on how to get started:, and a link to Google’s own course on analytics for beginners:
Get the Most ROI
When you do all that you can with content marketing, including using the right keywords, finding the right voice, and creating the content directly for your audience, you’ll find that your return on investment is a lot higher.
You’ll also boost your revenues as you establish your expertise and boost your brand awareness because more of the right people will know about you.
Creating a content marketing plan requires an understanding of your goals, your products or services, and your audience.
To create a content marketing plan you need to understand who your target audience is, the problems you solve for them, where they hang out and much more. And over the next few days, we’ll go over all the different parts of your plan before we put it together.
It can be a lot of work but once you create an amazing content marketing plan it will pay off big time in all aspects of your business.
Action Point!
Think about what might go in your content marketing plan and start thinking about your target market ready for tomorrow’s lesson.
If you’re not familiar with Google Analytics, have a look at the article by Moz and get Google Analytics set up on your website.
Want to share what you’ve come up with or ask a question? Comment away, and I’ll reply!
All done for Day 3. Tomorrow we’re onto looking at your target market.
Don’t want to wait? Prefer to get all of the 30-Day Content Marketing Challenge posts in one place, so you can work through at your own pace? Here’s a link to all of the challenge lessons:
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